Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rub-a-Dub-Dub...Kids in the Tub!

I love the tub! Many times, with 4 kids (4 and under), they get unruly, wild, and a little out of hand. When this happens, I need something that is going to make all of them happy. That "something" is the bathtub.
Ace and Aussie play and play.

The 3 older ones took the toy bucket, and decided that it would be a good idea to sit in it. What you don't see, is the pool of water all over the floor! You win some, you lose some, I guess.


angie said...

we can highly recommend crayola bath colors! adds color fun to the tub. why is is that our kids are always so much cuter when they are fresh out of a tub?

Just Josie said...

NAKED BABIES!!!! I am going to be sure to tell your kids when they get older that their mom posted pictures of them in the tub on the internet! :)

Anonymous said...

who needs a tub when you got a bucket?!