Thursday, December 24, 2009

Gingerbread (Gram Cracker) Houses

For the past couple of years we have made gingerbread houses on Christmas Eve. I guess you would say it has become a tradition. I learned how to make them when I taught kindergarten. I "glue" the gram crackers together with sugar that I have melted over the stove. I then use the same melted sugar to "glue" the houses to the plate. This way they are completely sturdy, and don't move around the plate...not to mention, COMPLETELY EDIBLE!

I then give everyone a Dixie cup with frosting, and a Popsicle stick---then let the fun begin!...

Here they are, frosting and decorating their houses....

A lot of frosting didn't quite make it on the houses...

Here are the finished products.....After looking at them, I really thought that each one really showed their personality, and thought that those of you who know our kids (and even those who don't) if you could guess who made which one?
If you want to play along, look through the five houses (I even made one!), and when you scroll down to the end, you can see if you were cheating...





The answers (after a much needed bath)...
Aussie: D--most of the frosting and candy ended up on the floor or in his mouth.

Ace: A (I laughed so hard at this picture!...)

...This one was pretty funny, too! You can tell by his house that, yes he is 3, but that he is very methodical in where he places things. He really takes his time on things like this.

Anderson: B He also takes his time, and is very careful about where he places things.

Aspen: E This one really screamed Aspen to me. She ate most of the frosting and just grabbed handfuls of whatever, and just threw it on top. Very much an Aspen house.

Oh, and mine was "c" if you hadn't guessed. I really had fun making mine, too! It is quite therapeutic! Maybe next year I can get Adam to make one...

This was a lot of fun, and I can't wait to do it again next year!