Saturday, August 9, 2008

I Know You're There

When I'm having trouble sleeping,
or even getting through the day.
In my sad times
I know you're there.

When it seems as if
there is no one to talk to.
In my lonely times
I know you're there.

When I am with family,
smiling and having fun.
In my joyous times
I know you're there.

When I see pictures
of your three beautiful children.
In your children's lives
I know you're there.

And when I think of Christ's Eternal Plan
and how I long to live with Him again.
I know you're there.

Megan, It has been almost two years since you left us here on earth. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and miss you. Megan, I have felt you near, and I know you're there.

I love you.

Megan Christine Einfeldt


Anonymous said...

what a sweet tribute to your sister. she is here.

mindy said...

That is so nice. Made me cry.

Just Josie said...

I have tears in my eyes that was a beautiful poem.