Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2010 Resolutions

2009 was a great year filled with busy, busy and even more busy. Overall, though it was a really great year. Hopefully 2010will be just as good, if not better...

So, on with the resolutions....
(This is the most current picture I have of him, and it is what he spends most of his time doing....studying and preparing...argggghh!)

(Adam didn't want to play along, so I will write some for him): To win a soccer game, finish the basement, and to hug my wife more :p.

Arianne: Spend more time with my kids (on an individual basis), budget for a babysitter so that Adam and I can date more, tell my kids I love them more, and not stress out about things I can't control. I would also like to cut 15 minutes off my marathon time this year...

Anderson: Get all the guys on Lego Star Wars. Read 2 books every day. Turn 6, and go to 1st grade!

Aspen: For Azure to get big enough to play with. Write my name where my "s" isn't a "2!" Learn to ride a bike with no training wheels. And turn 5 and go to kindergarten!

Ace: Do everything that Anderson does (including turning 6!) I also want to learn how to do front flips on the trampoline.

Aussie: Wake up without crying! Get potty trained! (He didn't say anything, so these were my goals for him ;).

Azure: Keep being the cute, lovable little baby that will always let her mom cuddle her. (One of my favorite things to do!)

We look forward to all the wonderful things that 2010 will bring...


Molly said...

Good resolutions! We need to start thinking about yours...now that it's almost February!

All 4 of us said...

Hey...it's Megan GroesbeckChristensen. So I blog stock you (not in a creepy way)and have noticed that you must have kept running through your pregnancies to be thinking about your marathon time. I need words of wisdom, I have been competing in triathlons but need to make the switch now that I'm 10 weeks. Easier said than done. Will you shoot me an email at megan.christensen@cox.net I want to pick you experienced mind.

Dana and Michael said...

I need to do something like that too!